Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sophie Graham - an inspiration to all NNU graduates

If you're a parent of a premature or sick baby then you'll have spent a lot of time worrying about what the future holds. For one Neonatal Unit graduate, the future has meant running the Great North Run, and raising money for the unit that cared for her when she was born.

Sophie Graham is an inspiration. Not only did she complete the Great North Run last September, she's also a keen swimmer - she completed her 2000m badge last year - and a rookie life guard. And she likes surfing too! According to Mum Vicki and Dad Martin, she's 'incredible'.

Sophie was born with Polycythemia, which meant she had too many red blood cells. She needed an immediate blood transfusion and had jaundice and very low blood sugar. It was 10 days before her parents could take her home. Mum Vicki remembers a frightening time:"Only later did I realise how important 'The Friends of the Neonatal Unit' at St George's was to us and to other parents. You give them comfort at times of great confusion and fear."

And what next for Sophie? Her determination continues to shine and she often tells her parents they'll be watching her swimming for England at the Olympics - so watch this space!


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